One Piece fan fiction & pics about Luffy&Nami. I don't own ONE PIECE.

Monday, November 4, 2013

East Blue saga; movie 2 "Clockwork Island"

"Yosh, it's done. You can go sleep now, don't move too much-"

"Yeah i got it, thank ya!"
Zoro picked his swords and head down to men's quarter.

Nah. Treating Zoro's injuries done. I have finished with Sanji kun -first- because i think his injuries is more serious. Then went to Usopp because, well, the other 2 are abnormal enough to hold their pain. With my novice medical skill, i can't do a lot for them. I wonder when will he realize that this crew NEED a doctor?
Speaking of 'he'... I have to go find him. There he is.

"Luffy, come here for a moment."

He turned his head to me and i raised the first aid box to let him see why i came.

He jumped from merry-go's head and walked closer.
Thinking it will be more comfortable sitting down, i sit on the deck and Luffy joined, sitting right in front of me.
I took the bandages and alcohol out as i work in silent.

"Ne, Nami?"

I answered him without looking at him and keeping my concentration to his wounds.

"Tell me, Nami, did that boar man did something..."

I raised my head and saw his face. He put this 'trying to be serious' expression on his face.

"He did something? Like 'This' and 'That'? What is it?!"

I caught a little interested tone in his question as i tilted my head to one side. What the hell is he talking about?
"Wait... Luffy, i don't understand. What do you mean by 'did This and That'?"

"When that weird woman captured you, she said that she gonna bring you to her king, that boar ossan, and he will be happy to do This and That to you!"

I felt a vein popped out.
That annoying woman said such thing?!
I sighed..
"Well... It's actually nothing, just forg-"

"Did he hurt you? Did he made you mad or...cry? Or angry?"

"No. I didn't hurt. Nor mad. Nor cry. Nor angry. But-"

"Aahh.... Well it's great then!! Shishishishishii!! But i still wonder what This and That mean and you won't tell me.. But you didn't hurt or cry... Oh! yosh! know it!"

He grinned.

"Nami, let me too, to do THIS and THAT thingy to YOU!"

Luffy you.....

I felt a vein popped out on my head again but this time with a hot feeling on my face like i was burnt..

The next thing i know i left him there after beating him once to the head and heading to my room before anyone see my burning face.

That idiot captain...
Did he even understand what he was asking..........


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