One Piece fan fiction & pics about Luffy&Nami. I don't own ONE PIECE.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Arabasta saga; Drum Island arc

My body and my head ache so much suddenly... We just left Whiskey Peak to Arabasta. Maybe i'm just tired or something.
But my vision...blurred...and it's cold...and my head.. I should take a rest a bit...
"Sorry..i need to go...."
"To my room..."

"I won't mind, Nami san, i'll watch our heading, you just get some rest-"

I can't support my body anymore as i fall down the deck. I heard Vivi rushed to me asking am i okay and now calling the crews.

I can hear their conversation, I want to answer i'm okay but it seems like i can't speak...

"I think we should take her to bed.."


And then i feel i'm being lifted and carried by...

"Oi! Luffy!! why are you the one carrying Nami san!!"

"Why? Is it-"

"Cut it Sanji-san,Luffy-san we have to take her inside!"


I open my eyes to see Luffy...and everything's darkened.......


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