One Piece fan fiction & pics about Luffy&Nami. I don't own ONE PIECE.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Arabasta saga; Drum Island arc

Why is it so hard to sleep. Is it because i slept all day when i was sick?
Well, i choose to go out to feel the night's breeze for a moment. 
Opening the door to outside, i can see someone. Luffy?
What the hell he's doing out here, i thought he's already...

" Oh! It's you, Nami!! Aree? I thought you're already asleep"

"And i would like to ask you the same question."

"Just because."


Walking in the deck and stop near going merry's head, where Luffy's sitting now.

The wind is so cold and i just...wearing a short blanket on my shoulder.....


We just left Drum Island, the sight of this island is really beautiful! Like there is a huge sakura tree in the middle of this island! But it is actually a mountain! Wow!!
By seeing the mountain from here.. How tall is it..uhh..if i'm not mistaken... 5000 meters? And we're just come down from that place? Wow! How the hell are we climbed up a mountain that tall and steep?!! I remember having a weird dream. I was somewhere... i can't remember, it's dark...and the wind was so strong and extremely cold.

"Ne, Chopper..."


"How... How did you met us on the first time?"

"Ooh. I found Luffy outside the castle. With you, and Sanji. You're unconscious, and Sanji too, he was injured and had broken bones. And Luffy, he's injured on his fingers and toes, and cold because he wasn't wearing a jacket or something. He was still conscious, but i thought he has climbed up the mountain by himself while carrying you two. I was sh-"

And i can't hear Choppers voice anymore.


I've always believe on him. Nah. Just because.

"Thank you..."

"Huh? Nami? Did you say something??"

"No. I'm not."
I take off my blanket and throw it on Luffy's back.
"Take this. It's cold out here you know! And you have to take a rest soon. I'm going to sleep."
And turning back to my room.

Maybe i should let go his 100.000 berry debt of my jacket?
Well, i can think of that.


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