One Piece fan fiction & pics about Luffy&Nami. I don't own ONE PIECE.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

East Blue saga; Loguetown arc

Putting aside my book, i stand up, to watch the waves down the sea and rest my hand in the railings at the back of ship.
We just left Loguetown yesterday. The Beginning and the End of the legendary pirate king.
I was walking in the town sightseeing, and trying to find a clothing store. I've tried some exciting outfits, even gowns at the store before. It all looks good on me though, but i am not boarding a cruise ship. I'm a pirate and i need more casual clothes which is more comfortable to move with. I passed a road and arrived in the middle of a place that looks like the center of this town. A wide field. And a..... EXECUTION PLATFORM!
The man who was executed a man who has the title Pirate King, which is Luffy's dream... My..uh.. Our captain's dream......

It was a nice town, sadly we can't even sail away with peace from the town. Marines. And a strange squall. Heavy rainstorm and wind i've never experience before. The temperature suddenly dropped and i know it's no good so i told those guys to hurry back to Going Merry.
This crew(Luffy!) won't just get away without making trouble.

"Nami swaaann~~~ Dinners' ready~~!!!"

"Yes, Sanji-kun."

I heard him shouting with his'im in love' tone from the kitchen. Planning to go have dinner and turned my head only to met Luffy's face 5centimeters away from my face, grinning.

"Nami!! Dinner's ready!"

"Yeah, i heard that too... But...when did you came here...?" I answered him half whispering half amused, sweatdropped.

"Long enough! Shiishishishi!!!" he laughed without backing away even an inch from my face.

"Luffy, you can't just appear anywhere as you please without sign, you know!"

He still didn't move an inch,smiling,starring.

I felt uneasy with this close,awkward moment and position.


Suddenly i heard a low tone and killing aura.

and then Luffy was kicked by Sanji to the wall. 

"It HUURRTSSS!!!! What the hell are you doing, Sanjii!!!!!!"


"Oy...oy.. What are you doing here, let's have dinner already! i'm hungry!!" Said Usopp.

"Nah right. It's okay, Sanji kun, let's have dinner now."

"Hai! Nami saann~~~," he stood up and swirling to the kitchen.

"Luffy, let's go eat."


and he got back his grin.


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