One Piece fan fiction & pics about Luffy&Nami. I don't own ONE PIECE.

Monday, November 4, 2013

East Blue saga; Baratie arc

I asked him.
He should know about that.
But he simply changed the topic to "i want meat". That idiot.

I have to end it. 8 years is enough i don't want to see Cocoyashi people hurt more than this.

Luffy. I'm sorry. I have to lie to you. I know you're different. But i can't simply forget my true condition. I don't want to be in your way to your dream. I'm sorry i have to take Going Merry too. You're a good person i believe you can get another nice ship. And you can get another navigator too...

My eyes hurt from crying. 
I wanted to sail WITH you.

I'm sorry..Luffy....


If we meet again... Will they let me to join them?


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