One Piece fan fiction & pics about Luffy&Nami. I don't own ONE PIECE.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sky Island saga; Skypiea arc

"The important thing for us to concern now is how to get out from here..."

"Just punch it."


"I can't help it. You said that you don't want to go through its ass hol-"


I gave him another fist.

I felt the snake began to move again and throw us flying mixed with those scary skulls and stones. Worried about Aisa, i tried to find her but Pierre(the weird horse) already protecting Aisa from the stones. Before i can sigh in relieve, a big stone flying closer, ready to crack my skulls. I screamed in fear, closing my eyes, waiting for the clash that didn't seem to come. Instead of a pain from my broken skull, i felt flesh.. Touched my bare stomach&hands skin (because i was just wearing bikini-top).
I opened my eyes to see Luffy. I saw him hugging me, protecting me from the any damaging flying stuffs. I was saved.

I saw everything is in slow motion. The stones hitting Luffy's back. But on that moment, a thought came up in my head. That was uncalled for and that wasn't the time for that but i gave up to his warm skin and closed my eyes...

What... The hell i was thinking?! This is Luffy, for God's sake.

We're about to collide to land on another side of snake's stomach when Luffy switched his position so i land right on top of him. I don't know if it just me, but i think we stayed still, not making any movements other than breathing and heart pulse beating, for about more than 10seconds.

"Eh... Uh... Na.. Nami?"

Aisa's voice hit me with common sense.

Luffy loosened his hands so i can stood up.

"You okay, Nami?"

I am telling myself to act 'normally'.
"Yes, thank you."

I saw that weird chevalier and Aisa starring at me and Luffy with a strange expression.


They shook their heads.
"Hm. Nothing."

I shrugged.


A flashback of what was happened went fast in my head.

"Don't tell anyone about that."


I turned to Luffy.

"You too. Don't tell anyone... about that."

"Heeeehh?? About what?"

"About you hugged Nami, idiot."


"Huuuuhh?? What's the big deal? I thought we've did it times before? Like at the drum isl-"

Aisa and that weird chevalier's jaw opened.. And i got struck by horror.

"You two.. Did.. What??"


I beat Luffy on his head.


"But Nami-"

"ENOUGH. We won't talk about it again."

By then the snake began to move again, but slower. Maybe it got attacked by something or someone outside. And all of us were sent flying again.
The recent event (*luckily*) didn't repeats itself and i hung on a big stone.

"What are they doing out there actually!!"

Aisa's protected by Pierre, and Luffy's head stuck in the stones.
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Friday, November 22, 2013

Sky Island saga; Skypiea arc

"I am so happy to see you..."

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Sky Island saga; Skypiea arc

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Sky Island saga; Skypiea arc

"I still don't get why he always give ME his 'treasure' to wear. But it warms me more than Sanji kun's soup and i like it..."

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Sky Island saga; Skypiea arc

Just another couple quarrel that no one dares to interfere... 

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Sky Island Saga; Jaya arc

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Arabasta saga; Post-Arabasta arc

"Nami, sorry..."

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Arabasta saga; Arabasta arc

"DON'T STRETCH!!!!!!!!!"

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Arabasta saga; Drum Island arc

"Nami, we will go to a mountain to find doctor..."

"Please take care of me, captain."

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Arabasta saga; Arabasta arc

Dance Powder is not food. You can't eat that

Luffy Nami

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Arabasta saga; Drum Island arc

My..28.800 berry jacket....

Luffy Nami

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East Blue saga; Warship Island arc

crossing the Red Line

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East Blue saga; Loguetown arc

head to Grand Line!!!

Luffy Nami

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Arabasta saga; Arabasta arc


I hold my breath suddenly, feeling something unusual.

"What's wrong, Nami san?"

"Ah, i just felt something weird. Maybe it's because the heat. Don't worry, i'm okay, hahaha"

Yeah. Maybe it's just because the extreme heat. But...

Luffy. Just come catch us faster.
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Arabasta saga; Drum Island arc

Why is it so hard to sleep. Is it because i slept all day when i was sick?
Well, i choose to go out to feel the night's breeze for a moment. 
Opening the door to outside, i can see someone. Luffy?
What the hell he's doing out here, i thought he's already...

" Oh! It's you, Nami!! Aree? I thought you're already asleep"

"And i would like to ask you the same question."

"Just because."


Walking in the deck and stop near going merry's head, where Luffy's sitting now.

The wind is so cold and i just...wearing a short blanket on my shoulder.....


We just left Drum Island, the sight of this island is really beautiful! Like there is a huge sakura tree in the middle of this island! But it is actually a mountain! Wow!!
By seeing the mountain from here.. How tall is it..uhh..if i'm not mistaken... 5000 meters? And we're just come down from that place? Wow! How the hell are we climbed up a mountain that tall and steep?!! I remember having a weird dream. I was somewhere... i can't remember, it's dark...and the wind was so strong and extremely cold.

"Ne, Chopper..."


"How... How did you met us on the first time?"

"Ooh. I found Luffy outside the castle. With you, and Sanji. You're unconscious, and Sanji too, he was injured and had broken bones. And Luffy, he's injured on his fingers and toes, and cold because he wasn't wearing a jacket or something. He was still conscious, but i thought he has climbed up the mountain by himself while carrying you two. I was sh-"

And i can't hear Choppers voice anymore.


I've always believe on him. Nah. Just because.

"Thank you..."

"Huh? Nami? Did you say something??"

"No. I'm not."
I take off my blanket and throw it on Luffy's back.
"Take this. It's cold out here you know! And you have to take a rest soon. I'm going to sleep."
And turning back to my room.

Maybe i should let go his 100.000 berry debt of my jacket?
Well, i can think of that.
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Arabasta saga; Drum Island arc

My body and my head ache so much suddenly... We just left Whiskey Peak to Arabasta. Maybe i'm just tired or something.
But my vision...blurred...and it's cold...and my head.. I should take a rest a bit...
"Sorry..i need to go...."
"To my room..."

"I won't mind, Nami san, i'll watch our heading, you just get some rest-"

I can't support my body anymore as i fall down the deck. I heard Vivi rushed to me asking am i okay and now calling the crews.

I can hear their conversation, I want to answer i'm okay but it seems like i can't speak...

"I think we should take her to bed.."


And then i feel i'm being lifted and carried by...

"Oi! Luffy!! why are you the one carrying Nami san!!"

"Why? Is it-"

"Cut it Sanji-san,Luffy-san we have to take her inside!"


I open my eyes to see Luffy...and everything's darkened.......
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Arabasta saga; Little Garden arc


Luffy Nami
cookie cheers

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

East Blue saga; Loguetown arc

Putting aside my book, i stand up, to watch the waves down the sea and rest my hand in the railings at the back of ship.
We just left Loguetown yesterday. The Beginning and the End of the legendary pirate king.
I was walking in the town sightseeing, and trying to find a clothing store. I've tried some exciting outfits, even gowns at the store before. It all looks good on me though, but i am not boarding a cruise ship. I'm a pirate and i need more casual clothes which is more comfortable to move with. I passed a road and arrived in the middle of a place that looks like the center of this town. A wide field. And a..... EXECUTION PLATFORM!
The man who was executed a man who has the title Pirate King, which is Luffy's dream... My..uh.. Our captain's dream......

It was a nice town, sadly we can't even sail away with peace from the town. Marines. And a strange squall. Heavy rainstorm and wind i've never experience before. The temperature suddenly dropped and i know it's no good so i told those guys to hurry back to Going Merry.
This crew(Luffy!) won't just get away without making trouble.

"Nami swaaann~~~ Dinners' ready~~!!!"

"Yes, Sanji-kun."

I heard him shouting with his'im in love' tone from the kitchen. Planning to go have dinner and turned my head only to met Luffy's face 5centimeters away from my face, grinning.

"Nami!! Dinner's ready!"

"Yeah, i heard that too... But...when did you came here...?" I answered him half whispering half amused, sweatdropped.

"Long enough! Shiishishishi!!!" he laughed without backing away even an inch from my face.

"Luffy, you can't just appear anywhere as you please without sign, you know!"

He still didn't move an inch,smiling,starring.

I felt uneasy with this close,awkward moment and position.


Suddenly i heard a low tone and killing aura.

and then Luffy was kicked by Sanji to the wall. 

"It HUURRTSSS!!!! What the hell are you doing, Sanjii!!!!!!"


"Oy...oy.. What are you doing here, let's have dinner already! i'm hungry!!" Said Usopp.

"Nah right. It's okay, Sanji kun, let's have dinner now."

"Hai! Nami saann~~~," he stood up and swirling to the kitchen.

"Luffy, let's go eat."


and he got back his grin.
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