One Piece fan fiction & pics about Luffy&Nami. I don't own ONE PIECE.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

East Blue saga; Orange Town arc

Too much strange people i met in a day. One is a pirate captain with silly big red nose that can split his body, One is a scary pirate hunter that can survive and fight even when he's seriously injured, and one is an idiot that doesn't have any intelligence, can stretch his body, unlimited strength, strange obsession, leaving MY precious treasure in an island without thinking, and save my life. I'm now working with these two. The ex-pirate hunter Zoro, and the idiot Luffy.
I'm still mad of Luffy because he left my treasure on that island. How i wanted to throw him to the sea!! Grr... 
He said the treasure can be use to repair the heavy-damaged village. But that is MY treasure and i need that money. I have to get my hundred million berry sooner no matter what. I wonder why i would get myself in such trouble just for them. How stupid i am to defend Luffy and grab the burning tinder with my hand. Why should i go that far for him? I know if i let he die then i'll be no different with them, pirates. But he's pirate too right? Why it seems like i am the one who makes everything complicated....
Wait...uh... I'm sure that i've met him before, the Luffy guy. He was the one who crashed onto my boat when i was escaping a pirate ship earlier. I saw him made a mess in a local restaurant too. Why do i keep meeting this guy and now i'm linked with him. Coincidence?

"Nami when do you think we will reach the island? All i can eat are just fruit i want meat..."

"Stop asking me that!You've been asking me that for like 50times! How many times should i tell you to be patience? We will reach that island soon!"

Seriously. Can't this person think of anything than meat?!
He doesn't even think about, first, for example, his ship. How could he think he can just go to the Grand Line with THAT ship? No,wait, i meant BOAT. Or second, he just have one crew. This Zoro. Yeah, i know that only them both can beat a folks of pirates (like he did with Buggy&his crew. I know it's strange. Whether they are very strong or they are very lucky or both). He's very positive about like..everything. Grand Line is more different than just east blue sea. He at least had to have a navigator if he wants to survive or even reach the grand line.
Too bad Luffy is a pirate. I thought that maybe..just maybe if he wasn't a pirate i would..but he doesn't seems like pirate. I mean, he fought to the sake of Shushu back then. He fought to the sake of mayor. I even have a slight guilty feeling when i handed him to Buggy but he's not mad at me. He even saved my life. Maybe he's diff...
I can't let my guard down.
I will not join them.
They're pirates. They're not in my level. I just need a right time to get away from them. And i can use them. Yep. I just have to wait. They're pirates. I hate pirates and nothing in this world is worse than pirates. And they're just the same...


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